SaviourVPN Terms and Conditions

The Service Usage Terms (“Terms”) and Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) set forth the rules for accessing and utilizing the various offerings provided by SaviourVPN (“SaviourVPN,” “us,” “we,” or “our”), which include our website (“Site”), applications on all platforms (“Apps”), and all associated content (“Content”) and software (“Software”), collectively known as “Services.” 

Acceptance of these Terms implies acceptance of the Privacy Policy.

Together, the Terms and Privacy Policy form a binding contract (“Agreement”) between you and SaviourVPN, which requires careful review.

1. Acceptance

By accessing or using the Services, you—or the entity you represent (“you”)—consent to fully comply with and be legally bound by the Terms and the Privacy Policy, which includes being accountable for any fees incurred from your use of the Services. If you are entering into this Agreement on behalf of your employer or another entity, you affirm that (i) you possess the necessary legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to this Agreement; (ii) you have thoroughly reviewed and comprehend the Agreement; and (iii) you accept and agree to the Agreement on behalf of the entity you represent.

When you sign up to use our Services, you affirm that you are either at least eighteen (18) years old, have reached the age of majority where you live, or are a recognized legal entity and that all the details you’ve given us during registration are correct and complete. It’s possible that certain parts of the Terms or Privacy Policy don’t pertain to how you use the Services. Therefore, if there’s any section of the Agreement you disagree with and it applies to you, you should refrain from using our Services.

2. Term Modifications and Updates

SaviourVPN reserves the right to modify these Terms occasionally without prior notification. Unless specified otherwise, any changes become effective immediately upon posting the updated Terms on the Site. You acknowledge and accept the new Terms by continuing to use the Services after these updates. The latest version of the Terms can always be found on the Site. It is your responsibility to check these Terms and periodically remain informed of any updates. Essential changes to the Terms will be communicated to Subscribers via email to the address you have provided or through notices on the Site or your Account.

3. Privacy Policy

SaviourVPN prioritizes your privacy, ensuring no collection or logging of subscribers’ browsing activities, traffic details, data content, DNS queries, or IP addresses linked to users. Personal information required for service provision, like your name, email, and payment details, is collected solely as needed. For comprehensive insights into our data practices, including your privacy rights and our dedication to protecting your data, please consult the full Privacy Policy.

4. Subscription Details

Upon creating an account on our website or apps, you can access our Services. Subscribing means you agree to be a “subscriber” for the chosen duration. Our website lists all subscription options and their costs. SaviourVPN may change or introduce new fees, given reasonable notice through the website, your account, or email. These fee changes will apply from the next subscription period, not the current one. Third-party payment processors handle purchases and refunds; for details on their data handling, see our Privacy Policy.

If your payment method allows it, your subscription will automatically renew at the end of each billing cycle. The renewal will typically be for the same period as your original subscription term. The fee for the subscription will be charged using the payment method you last used. Should you wish to stop the automatic renewal, you can do so in your Account settings or by contacting us at [email protected]. Auto-renewal is enabled by default with payment methods like credit cards or PayPal.

With all subscriptions and plans, you receive a single license that allows you to use our VPN Service on no more than ten devices simultaneously.

It’s crucial to maintain the confidentiality and security of your Account details. You bear full responsibility for all actions taken through your Account. If you suspect unauthorized access to your Account or a breach of any passwords (such as your Account password), it’s important to notify us right away for us to respond effectively.

5. Acceptable Use Policy

Our Services are globally available, but you must determine if they align with local laws and regulations. Access may be restricted in countries where it conflicts with our Export Control Policy. Always ensure your use of the Services adheres to these Terms and all relevant legal requirements.

SaviourVPN is committed to delivering superior service to all subscribers. Accordingly, it is expected that our Content and Services will not be used improperly. Improper use encompasses any usage, access, or disruption of the Content or Services that violates the Terms or any relevant laws and regulations.

SaviourVPN is committed to preventing the misuse of its Services or any harm that may result from such misuse. Therefore, if the Services are used in a way that violates the Terms or the law, SaviourVPN has the authority to intervene. This could include restricting service access, closing your account, or other legal actions without a refund for any services you’ve already paid for. This will be done if SaviourVPN determines, at its sole discretion, that the Services have been misused.

When utilizing our Services, you are agreeing to refrain from the following activities:

  • Distributing or sending content that is unsolicited commonly known as “spam.”
  • Disseminating, posting, or transmitting any material that is unlawful, malicious, threatening, abusive, misleading, or slanderous; violates intellectual property rights of SaviourVPN or others; breaches confidentiality; or promotes violence or illegal acts.
  • Uploading, downloading, posting, reproducing, or distributing content that is under copyright or similar rights without securing consent from the rightful content owner.
  • Uploading, downloading, posting, reproducing, or distributing any material that portrays sexual acts involving minors or any other content that is restricted or forbidden in your jurisdiction.
  • Participating in behavior that prevents or hinders other users from accessing or enjoying the Services.
  • Trying to access, scan, or connect to computing devices without the required authorization, which is considered “hacking.”
  • Attempting to gather, use, or share a list of IP addresses provided by SaviourVPN in relation to the Services.
  • Employing the Services for any purposes that are not permitted by law.

6. License

Provided that you adhere to these Terms, SaviourVPN offers you a global, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to download and utilize the Services. It is strictly forbidden to alter, share with unauthorized individuals, reverse engineer, or use the Services in any manner not explicitly permitted by SaviourVPN in these Terms.

You are not allowed to use any material that is protected by SaviourVPN’s intellectual property rights without explicit written permission from SaviourVPN. Nothing in the Services or these Terms should be interpreted as providing any license or rights to SaviourVPN’s intellectual property, whether implied or otherwise.

7. Content, Language and Translation, and Social Interactions

Our content is initially created in English. Translations are provided with the best effort, and we do not assure the precision of the translated content.

SaviourVPN may occasionally publish content about our Services or other subjects of potential interest on various platforms, including our website, social media, forums, blogs, or other digital channels. Both subscribers and non-subscribers are free to share their views and engage with one another regarding this content. You are entirely accountable for any information, content, opinions, or materials that you contribute to these platforms. While SaviourVPN is not required to oversee these interactions, we reserve the right to do so and may remove any content at our discretion. SaviourVPN does not endorse and expressly disclaims all responsibility for the content, opinions, or materials shared by subscribers or non-subscribers on these channels, as allowed by law.

8. Third-Party Websites

SaviourVPN might offer content or links to third-party websites. However, SaviourVPN does not oversee the availability of third-party content, which is outside of our control and may be governed by different terms and policies. Accessing third-party sites or content via our Services does not imply any association between SaviourVPN and those third parties.

9. Partner Services

Occasionally, SaviourVPN may present opportunities to access or special promotions for services, applications, or websites from partners (“Partner Services”) as a supplementary advantage to the Services. These Partner Services are separate from the Services and are not included within them. Your use of any Partner Services is subject to their specific terms. SaviourVPN assures you that your personal data will not be disclosed to any Partner Services providers.

SaviourVPN does not assure or accept responsibility for the conduct, functionality, or content of Partner Services, nor for any dealings you may have with their providers. SaviourVPN also does not promise that the Services will be compatible with Partner Services. You use Partner Services at your own risk. Therefore, any problems related to your use of Partner Services should be addressed directly with the respective providers.

10. Disclaimers

We aim to minimize any disruptions to the Site and Services. Nonetheless, they are offered as they are and when available, without any guarantees of material or information accuracy or fitness for a specific function, whether stated or implied. Under the law, we categorically renounce all warranties, including but not limited to those of merchantability, suitability for a particular use, or non-violation of rights. We cannot promise that the Services will fulfill your needs, be continuous, secure, timely, or without errors, nor that any faults will be fixed. It is understood that you use the Site and Services at your own risk and choice.

The performance and availability of SaviourVPN’s services, including coverage, speed, server locations, and quality, might differ. While SaviourVPN endeavors to provide continuous service, several factors outside our control may cause service disruptions. These include emergencies, failures of third-party services, issues with transmission, equipment, or networks, interference, or weak signal strength. Service may be interrupted or limited, and SaviourVPN is not liable for any lost or misdirected data, messages, or pages due to these disruptions. SaviourVPN reserves the right to limit usage, suspend the service, terminate accounts, or restrict certain activities to safeguard itself, its subscribers, and the service itself. The reliability and promptness of the data received are not assured, and there may be delays or missing information.

SaviourVPN maintains the authority to look into issues that it deems as breaches of these Terms. While not required, SaviourVPN may choose to delete, block, filter, or limit any content or information believed to be in violation of these Terms or that could expose SaviourVPN or its users to legal liability. This includes the right to cancel your account or pursue other legal actions. SaviourVPN is not liable for any inability to block or prevent the transmission of such materials or information over the Services or to your device.

11. Limitations of Liability

SaviourVPN will not be held accountable, to the fullest extent that the law allows, for any losses or damages suffered by any subscriber or person due to:

  • Any disruptions or cessation of the Services.
  • Actions or inactions by third parties that affect the availability of the Services or the data they provide.
  • Any factors that impact your ability to access or use, or your failure to access or use, any part of the Site or its Content.
  • Your exchanges within the Services or on SaviourVPN-provided forums.
  • Not adhering to the terms of the Agreement.
  • Expenses incurred in obtaining replacement goods or services.
  • Unauthorized entry or modifications to your data or transmissions, regardless of whether SaviourVPN or any third-party service provider could have controlled those circumstances.

SaviourVPN, along with its associates, affiliates, branches, members, officers, and employees, will not be held responsible for any direct, incidental, special, indirect, or consequential damages or any other types of loss or damage, even if they have been previously warned about the potential for such damages. However, this disclaimer does not apply where it is not allowed by law.

12. Indemnification

By using the Services, you consent to protect, indemnify, and absolve SaviourVPN, along with its executives, leaders, staff, affiliates, partners, agents, and suppliers, from any claims or costs, including legal fees, that arise from your use of the Services or any breach of the Agreement. SaviourVPN may choose to exclusively manage and defend any issues that require your indemnification, but this does not relieve you of your indemnification responsibilities.

13. Chargebacks

SaviourVPN retains the authority to suspend your access to the Services immediately and without prior notification if a Chargeback is reported. Initiating a Chargeback by contacting your bank or card issuer to dispute, cancel, or challenge the fees associated with the Services will be viewed as a violation of your payment responsibilities. While not required, SaviourVPN may contest any Chargeback associated with your Account. If it’s determined that a Chargeback was requested with ill intent, SaviourVPN may terminate your Account and take measures to prevent your future use of the Services.

14. Assignment

Should SaviourVPN be bought or combined with another company, it can transfer this Agreement, along with all associated rights and duties, to the acquiring entity without notifying you. These rights and duties will then be enforceable by and advantageous to any successors or authorized assignees. Any transfer that doesn’t comply with the terms of the Agreement will be considered invalid.

15. Final Provisions

Should any part of the Agreement be deemed invalid or unenforceable, it will be interpreted in a way that aligns with the law, upholding the original purpose of that clause. The rest of the Agreement will continue to be effective. Not acting upon or enforcing any right or part of the Agreement does not mean giving up that right or part, nor does it imply a waiver of any future infringements or defaults.

SaviourVPN is a virtual private network service that prioritizes user privacy and security.


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