Refund Policy

You have the option to terminate your Account for any reason within thirty-one (31) days following your first purchase and are entitled to a complete refund of the payment made under the “Money Back Guarantee” policy.

You may be eligible for a refund after the initial 30 days if you show that the Services were inaccessible or unusable during your subscription term and that you made genuine efforts to contact SaviourVPN for a solution. This refund, which is subject to SaviourVPN’s discretion, would be proportional to the amount paid for the time the Service was unavailable.

Monthly subscription plan refunds typically take place within a week (7 days), and Yearly and Biennial subscription refunds take 31 days to process. Since all refunds are issued in USD, the amount you receive may vary from what you initially paid if you used local currency due to exchange rates and applicable transaction fees.

If you modify your initial purchase by upgrading your plan or buying extra licenses, you’ll no longer be eligible for the Money-Back Guarantee. To claim a refund under this guarantee, you should email your request to [email protected].

Subscribers who have purchased through the Apple App Store (iTunes) or Google Playstore are not eligible for SaviourVPN’s Money Back Guarantee. They should seek refunds directly from the App Store or Playstore, with the decision to issue a refund lying with the respective support teams of the platforms. Refer to the App Store and Playstore refund policy for additional information. 

SaviourVPN is a virtual private network service that prioritizes user privacy and security.


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